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Music album covers

Sun Tailor - band
A cover design for the album "This Light"

Tzlil Danin - musician, singer, song writer.
A cover design for the 3P album "3.1"
Created at Yafo Creative with Tzlil Danin.

Maya Belsitzman & Matan Ephrat - band.
A cover design for the album "Maya Belsitzman & Matan Ephrat"
The cover based on the photography by Gil Shani.
Created at Yafo Creative.

URI - musician, singer, song writer.
A cover design for the album "Black Flag"
Created at Yafo Creative.

Maya Johanna - musician, singer,
song writer.
A cover design for the album
"Bells In My Stomachs"

Ohad Katz - musician, singer, song writer.
A cover design for the album "C'ardaShir"
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